2024 Un año de renovado compromiso y entusiasmo en Clare Facio Legal

Al dar la bienvenida al año 2024, en Clare Facio Legal nos encontramos imbuidos de un espíritu renovado de compromiso, trabajo y alegría. Este año, reafirmamos nuestra inquebrantable convicción de trabajar con dedicación, profesionalismo y entusiasmo, valores que siempre han caracterizado nuestra labor legal. En este nuevo ciclo, queremos expresar nuestra más sincera gratitud a […]
Felices fiestas y prospero año nuevo les desea Clare Facio Legal.

En esta temporada festiva, desde el corazón de Clare Facio Legal, deseamos extender nuestros más cálidos deseos de una Feliz Navidad y un Próspero Año Nuevo a todos nuestros estimados clientes, socios y amigos. Cada uno de ustedes ha sido parte integral de nuestro viaje este año, y por ello, queremos expresar nuestra más sincera […]
Calendario de obligaciones fiscales para enero 2024

Al comenzar un nuevo año, es crucial estar al tanto de las obligaciones tributarias para asegurar el cumplimiento adecuado y evitar posibles complicaciones. Enero de 2024 trae consigo una serie de responsabilidades fiscales importantes para individuos y empresas en Costa Rica. A continuación, presentamos un resumen detallado de las declaraciones tributarias que deben realizarse en […]
International Men’s Day: A call for men’s health awareness

At Clare Facio Legal, we recognize the importance of dates that promote awareness and health care in all its facets. On November 19, we celebrate one of these significant dates, but perhaps less known: International Men’s Day. This commemoration, unlike more prominent events such as International Women’s Day, focuses on a crucial and often neglected […]
Costa Rica launches new 31-year term Eurobonds

In the financial sphere, the issuance of Eurobonds has become a key tool for countries seeking to access international capital markets and secure long-term financing. Costa Rica’s recent announcement of the initiation of a new series of $1.5 billion Eurobonds, with a 31-year horizon to maturity in 2054, is a clear sign of the country’s […]
Investment rating agencies upgrade Costa Rica’s outlook.

In a global economic climate where certainty has become a precious commodity, the recent news of Costa Rica’s upgraded credit rating is a watershed for the country’s financial and investment outlook. These developments not only reflect the strength and resilience of the Costa Rican economy, but also open up a range of opportunities for investors […]
Key aspects to migrate to Costa Rica: 10 essential questions answered by Clare Facio legal

Costa Rica, known for its biodiversity, stunning landscapes and commitment to peace, has long been a magnet for those wanting a change of scenery. Its rich culture, an amalgamation of indigenous, European and Afro-Caribbean influences, together with an enviable economic and political stability in the region, makes the country an attractive destination for those looking […]
Clare Facio Legal joins the world day of fight against breast cancer.

October 19 is the World Breast Cancer Awareness Day, a disease that annually claims the lives of thousands of people around the world. It is in this scenario, that the law firm Clare Facio Legal decides to join the awareness campaigns about this disease, not only internationally, but with a particular focus on Costa Rica. […]
Increase in the frequency of Air France flights between Costa Rica and France: Up to 5 flights per week

Costa Rica watches with pleasure as Air France increases the flights connecting Costa Rica with France to 5. This article will provide detailed information on this increase in flight frequency and its impact on both travelers and commercial relations between these two important global destinations. Consolidation of Air France in the Costa Rican market Air […]
Wanderlust highlights the experience of traveling to Costa Rica as a responsible and sustainable experience.

Wanderlust magazine has placed a rainbow-billed toucan perched on a branch on its cover with the title “Immerse yourself in Costa Rica”, which, without a doubt, makes the entire country proud.In both its printed and digital versions, it highlights Costa Rica as a sustainable country ideal for an extremely ecological visit. In addition, the country […]