Real Estate Registry Alerts Service

Protect your property and real estate from unauthorized transfers and mortgages. Desde $50+iva por año.

Security from $50+vat in 3 steps


Register the property(ies) you wish to monitor with Clare Facio Legal.


Any intention of change, deed, sale, mortgage, or modification made in the Costa Rican Property Registry will be notified to our team of lawyers.


We will alert you of the movement's intention. To either confirm the act's validity or proceed to prevent the illicit activity.

Why is it important to have Real Estate Registry Alert?

Without an efficient system of supervision, unauthorized transactions such as transfers of goods and properties, registrations of liens, or constitutions of mortgages can occur, even without the explicit approval of the owner.

The Registry Alert service is a preventive solution to this threat, which delivers the possibility of being informed immediately and directly about any movement or change that occurs in your properties, real estate, or legal entities. This monitoring is done directly in the books and systems of the National Registry of Costa Rica and notifications are sent directly to our lawyers in charge of monitoring and protecting your interests and assets.

About Clare Facio Legal

Since 2019, Clare Facio Law Firm has been at the forefront of legal and professional services in Costa Rica.

In Clare Facio, our mission is to become the bridge that facilitates the realization of the ideas and objectives of our clients with the potential of this, our homeland.

Katia Zuñiga

Specialties: Events Committee

Cristina González Demmer

Specialties: Lawyer-Mediator/Conciliator

Lic. Douglas Beard Holst

Specialties: Lawyer and Notary Public

Lic. Miguel Rodríguez Espinoza

Specialties: Lawyer and Notary Public

Manrique Pacheco Fischel

Specialties: Lawyer

Hélène Lacoua

Specialties: Administrative Assistant